Take it in smaller bites

My good friend and I were chatting the other day and she asked, “What’s the tune of the week?”  To which I replied, “ummmmmm” (because I’m a clever conversationalist like that).  And because I had started working on five tunes all at once, I couldn’t answer the question because I wasn’t really learning them very well.  Ok, really I hadn’t learned any of them (up to and including not being able to remember any of the titles!).

That got me to thinking – when you’re trying to learn new music, do you often have that sinking feeling that you are never going to get it?  Does it seem like every tune you learn is longer than you thought (or maybe the harder you try to learn it, the more the number of phrases telescopes!).  Do you laugh inside your head and blame increased age?  Do you secretly think maybe it’s just going to be too hard to get into your head?  Does it seem like everyone around you is always learning about 50 tunes really quickly while you struggle to get just one?

Asking for a friend.

Smaller bitesSo, how can we make the whole process of learning a tune a little more palatable? Take smaller bites!  You’ll enjoy it more.  And it’s better for you.

There are so many ways to get the music into your head but you can be sure that the “all at once” approach is one of the most frustrating.  Let’s think about this.  Ok, I really mean, let’s extend my eating metaphor.  For your next tune,  try taking “smaller bites” and like fine dining, arrange your learning into “courses”.

First, we’ll have the Appetizers – Study the music.  No matter if you are ingesting the tune from printed music or learning by ear, take time to actually study the music.  Analyze it.  What is the structure?  Where is it?  What type of tune is it?  What are the small motifs? Are there larger patterns or “story arcs” (if it were a TV show would you know who did it at the end of the episode or the end of the season?).  Do not skip this course – it may feel like all you’re doing is killing time, but it is actually the start of learning.  This is also when you might start listening and beginning to try to sing along.

Then we’ll have the Entree – Bring out the knives!  We know that music is a collection of patterns.  But also keep in mind that it is a bunch of small patterns that banded together to make bigger patterns and those bigger patterns banded together to make up the tune.  The smaller patterns might be phrases and the larger patterns might be the parts.  And of course, the biggest pattern is the overarching tune.  While the smaller patterns maybe be easy to find, these larger patterns may be difficult to discern (or to remember) as patterns.  So if necessary, break those larger patterns into smaller bites.  And just like the entree, you need to be sure not to eat one thing at a time on your plate before going on to the next – DO NOT spend all this time playing from the first measure – break it up and work on the parts that need work.  Start at the end and work backward, or pick a measure in the middle and start there.  This is, of course, where the bulk of what feels like work will occur.  Do not be fooled…the other courses are also work – value that time!

Like any fine meal, no matter how tasty or satisfying the Entree is, one simply does not leave out the finale. 

Dessert!! – How sweet it is.  If you have taken the time to do the work of the previous courses, you will find that the music has become easier to learn and that you learn it more quickly – what could be sweeter than being able to play the music you like so well!  However, this is just as much a part of the meal as the other courses – the sweet stuff is when you are polishing, finishing, and finalizing your music.  Be sure to include the dynamics and expression, develop your accompaniments, and put your touches (or interpretation) on the tune.  Really enjoy – no, revel – in the dessert!

Once you’ve tried this bite sized approach a few times, just like meals, you’ll find you have favorites – those approaches that you enjoy and get the most from.  That’s a great idea – these are the “macaroni and cheese” of your practice, but be sure not to stick just to the comfortable dishes – be sure to have a balanced diet of techniques, analysis, and thinking about the music as you continue to grow.

Of course, like a full course meal, you want to take your time, savor the delicacies, and really enjoy the process.  Unlike a fine meal, when you are practicing, you don’t have to worry about which fork to use!


Half the way there!

It’s mid-July and you know what that means?  Yup, we are just a little more than half the way through this year.

And, yes, it has been an epic year so far…I won’t enumerate – you’re living it with me, so you already know.  And I mean epic in the classical sense – a (typically long and possibly unending) story of the deeds and adventures of heroic people! 

And yes, we’re only half the way through it.  Ugh.

But being halfway through is a good time to stop, pick our collective heads up, take a deep breath, and look around.  How are we doing?   

But think back…in January, we didn’t know any of this was coming and we knew the year was full of promise.   And we talked about the 2020 vision we’d have this year.  You might remember that we talked about this here.I suggested you take a smarter path that started with examining your life (your whole life!) and finding the balance for your harp within that.

And of course, I exhorted you to practice.  And then I gave you a long list of things to practice.  I also pointed out that you would do exactly as much work as you fit in and encouraged you to form goals that would be do-able.

So, half the year has gone by.  Do you remember your goals (because I am confident you wrote them down as I suggested)?  How are you coming?

Did you, at any time throughout the current upheaval we are all experiencing, modify those goals?  Did you look at your world and how the world outside you is impacting your world, and modify what you expected to accomplish as a harper this year? 

Gosh, I sure hope so!  Because this has been a doozy of a year!  We certainly didn’t see it coming.  And all of us have been impacted in one way or another (or by a number of ways, in quick succession, in a seemingly coordinated attack!).  And we have all had varying levels of success with coping, adapting, and overcoming everything. 

I’d like to encourage you to revisit the things you set out to do for yourself.  Then do the following:

  1. Bring out a big marker (or eraser) and (at least mentally) cross off those things that just are not going to serve you in the six months or so we have remaining in 2020.
  2. Sift through your goals and keep the ones that still make sense…and are do-able.
  3. Capture, but hold for later, those that are still important to you but are not currently realistic – especially since we don’t know when things will revert to what we were expecting.   And
  4. Boldly, ceremoniously and with a great deal of fanfare, toss the ones that just are not serving you!  (yes, you can do that!).

There’s one more thing you need to do and that is to note all the things you have done so far this year.  Especially the ones you never even imaged!  Things that come to mind:

  • Learning to play to your computer
  • Learning to not play for other people (!)
  • Learning where to look so you look like you’re looking at the other person (and dealing with not being able to see them so that you look like you can).
  • Figuring out new software to have lessons or harp circles or play dates
  • Learning that you really do have to wait for the other person to finish – and wait your turn.
  • Learning to deal with the fatigue which seems to be unique to spending all day on your computer, even if previously you thought you spent all day on your computer!
  • Coping in the face of unending uncertainty (and helping others do the same)

So, on balance, you’re probably having a good and productive year.  Let’s make sure your goals match and that you’re taking credit for what you have accomplished so far.  I’m sure there are even more things you have learned – both related and unrelated to playing the harp – share them in the comments.


Spruce up your practice space – 8 ways

We’ve been inside a lot already with winter, the spring that tried hard to not come and then the virus running roughshod over the earth.  And now it’s the height of summer and many of us are doing our best to stay in the air conditioning!

All that being inside may lead to ennui.  And that ennui may lead to your practice space needing a little sprucing.  Do you find that you’re not drawn to your practice space?  Are you just not sitting down to practice as much as you’d like?

Spruce up your spaceYou might need to spruce up your practice space!  Why might you want to do this?  Well, here are four reasons – I’m sure there are more, but ones that come to mind are:

  • It’s your space so it should reflect you!
  • You’re a creative and being creative in various ways boosts all your creativity.
  • You want to want to spend time your space so it should be attractive!
  • You want your space to meet your needs so you can actually use it.

How might you go about this sprucing?  Well, you can go all out and paint, get new flooring, and completely redecorate.  But that’s a big project!  You might need a little less than that – how about contenting yourself with a little reorganizing?  What might that include?  Here are eight things you might try:

  1. Rearrange the furniture.  You might be surprised how much simply moving your harp (even just turning it around) could change how you use your space.  Yes, it could be that simple!
  2. Does your sheet music storage make it easy to use?  I have come up with a way to organize individual tunes – I have them in dividers, alphabetical by the title I think of the tune by.  And yes, that means that some tunes are filed by their title in English and others are sorted by their Gaelic title…but it doesn’t matter….as long as I can find what I’m looking for.  There is no “optimal” organization – only a system that will work for you.  My books are a hopeless mess – I haven’t figured that one out yet!
  3. Do you have enough lighting?  I added a lamp which surprisingly made a huge difference in my already-brightly-lit room.
  4. Is your space neat enough?  That is, neat enough for you – it only has to work for you.  But make sure it actually is neat enough for you…or develop a way to keep it to the level that allows you to be comfortable (or you’ll avoid the space and not play as much as you’d like).  If you have to, re-home tchotchkes, get organizational stuff (boxes? files? bins? baskets? Whatever you will use), add (or remove) furniture) so that you have a level of neat you can live with.
  5. Are your tools close to hand?  You know there are things you need frequently – tuning wrench, tuner, pencils, etc. – are they were you can easily reach them, or do you need a place to put them?
  6. Does your space serve your learning process? Do you have a place to put things you’re going to learn, are learning, have learned, are polishing, are refreshing?  One that helps you keep those sorted and in work?  I’ve suggested a couple of options – from file folders to recipe cards – just something that helps you “move” tunes through their development and into your repertoire.
  7. You want to spend time there so make sure you like it – do you have art you like to look at? A comfy chair if you have room? (hey, you need to listen to music too!).  Do you have a plant?  Make sure you are enjoying the aesthetic you set!
  8. Does your space serve more than one function?  Do you have the luxury of a harp room or do you have a harp corner?  Either way, make sure you organize in a way that not only assures you have a place to play but also protects the harp when you’re not playing.  For instance, if your guest bedroom is also your harp room, what do you do with your harp when you have company?

Remember, your space has to work for you – in your life and your practice.  There is no “right” answer – only the answer that allows you to practice and to enjoy your harp.  And don’t shy away from making changes if you find that you “just don’t feel like being there” or you find that you go into your space, but you don’t stay long.  That just lets you know you might need make some changes!

Spruce up your practice space so you actually practice!  What will you do for your space?

The Bucket List

Some people have a bucket list. Of course, even more haven’t made one, but they probably have things they’d like to have accomplished by the time they’re done on the coil mortal.

A bucket list is a compilation of all the things a person would like to have accomplished, completed, or dreamt of.  It is (yet another) goals list, pure and simple.

You might think a Bucket List is a macabre thing to keep.  After all, most people think of it as a list of all the things you may (or might not) have accomplished in your entire life.  Ok, that would be macabre.

But what if you instead think of it as a gentle reminder of what you think is interesting, curious, important, and/or worth pursuing?  If you look at it that way, it could be sort of interesting – and a little goading.  And probably worth keeping for quick and frequent reference.  For guidance.  And as a reminder to keep your head up (metaphorically…. although you should also do that physically while you’re playing!).

Apparently loads of people have lists that include travel around the world, run a marathon, be a better person, write a novel, or pursue a passion.

BUT – YOU ALREADY HAVE A PASSION.  You’re no desultory harper!

What sort of things might you put on the list?  Well, that’s going to be fairly personal.  After all, it will be all the things you hope you will do before you are no longer able to play the harp. I have my own ideas (although, to be fair, I’ve been checking mine off as fast as I can!).

How, you might ask would you go about making your bucket list? Well, it’ll take a little time and effort, but it’ll be worth it!  First, note that you might be making more than one list.  After all, once you start thinking about it, you might be making a life list, a harp list, a family list, etc.  And that’s ok – you can have multiple lists!

I’d suggest making the list in your practice journal.  You have to keep it somewhere, so why not there?  That way you’ll see it each time you sit to practice – and be reminded of some of the reasons you’re about to practice…

It’s your list – you can put anything you like on it.  Secret fantasies, deepest desires, put ‘em down.  You’ll never know when you’ll have the chance to check one of them off, but you’ll be ready for the opportunity if you know you want to (you won’t have to think about it when it happens – you’ll be ready!).

Of course, also put down stuff you know you can do if you try.  Learn that piece you admire.  Write down that tune that you hear in your head.  Ask that well-known teacher for a lesson. You have nothing to lose!

Then there’s the harder to define stuff – what do you want your harp legacy to be.  Don’t think you have one?  Oh, you do, you just might not have thought about it before.  Do you want to be sure that you have actually played for your friends?  Wish you would sit a Master Class?  Want to participate in that fabulous workshop everyone’s always talking about?  While these things might be more challenging, you can get there.  And writing them on your list will remind you to keep at it.

Maybe the hardest thing about generating your bucket list is to prioritize it. What’s the most important to you?  What will take you the most time (or require new skills or significantly more practice)?  Does anyone in your life need to have an input (whether they be an audience member or a travel companion or some other adjunct to your thinking)?  You’ll need to factor that in. Also, is there any intersection of your harp and your life bucket lists?  Maybe you can take your harp with you as you travel around the world?  Always wanted to go to Scotland (always a good idea) – maybe there’s a workshop you plan around (or you could join us sometime in the future!). Two birds, meet one stone!

What does not belong on your Harp Bucket List?  ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN!  Don’t want to play in an ensemble? Don’t.  Don’t want to play orchestra parts? Don’t even write it down!  Never wanted to learn that “must do” repertoire?  Then DON’T!

You’re capturing what YOU want to do with your harp life.  Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.  Maybe you’re not quite ready to do some of it, that’s ok.  You’ve written it down so you can be reminded of what you want to be so you can keep acquiring the skills or practice you need to be able to get there.  And remember – it’s your list.  Share it with others if you like, but you don’t have to.

When you complete something on your list, savor that!

Make your bucket list – so you can do all the things you want while you are able. Live your harp life!  What might you put on your bucket list?  Got a good idea?  Want to share it in the comments?

Getting out of the Land of Should

I love teaching.  I learn so much from each of my students.  They all have their own strengths and challenges, but I find that there are sometimes overlaps.  This week, no less than three students have been trapped in the Land of Should – a dark and horrible place which is easy to find and sometimes hard to leave.

You might have been there. You might be there right now.  You can tell you’re there by the signs:

“I should practice more”

“I should be more motivated (even though there’s a global pandemic and nothing is as it typically is)”

“I should be able to ignore the things going on in my life and keep playing”

“I should be able to play this by now”

“I should be better than I am”

I get it.  The Land of Should can be very seductive.  And sometimes it seems like it’s the only place the bus stops.

But being trapped in the Land of Should is actually painful and not very comfortable.  After all, WHY should you (practice more, be more motivated, be more accomplished, and by extension, have a pristine home, have read all the “right” books, being wearing the right look, etc. – whatever)??

But shoulds are often unhelpful – these thoughts don’t get you any further ahead. Telling yourself you should do (or be) something doesn’t change anything or suggest useful changes.  It only sets you up to feel like you’ll never get where you’re going.  The Land of Should is like that.

One way to look at is that these thoughts are actually you bullying yourself!  You’re telling yourself you’re a disappointment.  Would you say something like that to your best friend?  I didn’t think so.

And right now, we all need a little more TLC – especially from ourselves!  Even the most stalwart and resilient among us are feeling a little peaky.  So, it’s no surprise if the pull of the Land of Should is becoming stronger.

How do you escape its terrible orbit?  Here are five ways to get out of the Land of Should:

  1. Journal.  You know I’m always exhorting you to keep a journal of your practice.  Here’s a good use for it.  First, you can document your practice time – what (objectively) did you work on, where did you leave it, where will you pick it up next time?  Secondly, you can also capture how you are feeling about the time you had (especially if you’re feeling like you have not done enough).  As always, keep your journal in any means that works for you – in a notebook, on your computer, as an oral history in your phone voice memos, as an abstract drawing – it doesn’t matter how you keep it as long as that medium works for you!
  2. Be realistic.  There’s a lot going on in the world, no matter who you are or where you live.  With the ongoing uncertainty and changing information as physicians and scientists learn more about it, it’s easy to feel like we’ll never have our feet on solid ground again.  You can use your time at the harp to help soothe your frayed nerves and the anxiety of not knowing.  Maybe this isn’t the time to double your repertoire or add those highly chromatic pieces you admire but don’t feel ready to take on.  But you do have repertoire already with which you can be fairly comfortable – play that.  Noodle!  Improvise.  Play nothing at all.  But don’t cut yourself off from your harp.  At a minimum, allow the reverberations of playing the notes impact your body.  Take some time and take some ease.  No matter your level of play, you can do this!  Are you a rank beginner, still trying to remember which finger is 2?  No worries, play a single string and let it ring while you feel the gentle vibration and hear the beautiful timbre!  Then play another. Think that’s only for beginners?  Nope – there’s a lot of soothing in a playing a single string and letting it reverb for you for as long as it likes…then play another one, etc.
  3. Reframe.  It is easy (especially in difficult times) to focus on the negative, to beat yourself up and as a result to feel bad.  Reframe your thoughts! It isn’t that you didn’t practice enough.  Rather, you made the best use of limited available time.  It isn’t that you aren’t progressing.  Rather, you currently have higher priorities requiring your time and attention.  It isn’t that you’re not motivated.  Rather you are dealing with a lot and will be back and focused soon.  But DO NOT tell yourself you’re not “good enough” because you haven’t done something.
  4. Study your history.  You haven’t always felt this way.  Think back to a time when you didn’t feel like this and understand that you have ups and downs and that’s ok.  Your truth includes being strong and resilient and sometimes it includes being a little bit fragile and that the fragility passes – and all of it is part of you!  And that’s kind of cool – because there’s interesting in there (to be found sometime when you’re transitioning from fragile to strong!).
  5. Be nice…and positive.  Be nice in general, but especially be nice to you!  And don’t torment yourself.  Instead, focus on the good (if only because it’s so easy to focus on the bad – and who wants to do easy stuff?).

If you find yourself lost in the Land of Should, perhaps one of these might help.  If something works for you, please let me know.  And if you have another way to escape – please share in the comments below.

World Art Day is this week

The silent siege rages on.  We the fortunate work from home, stay inside, and “do our part” (whatever that means).  Sadly, people are becoming more isolated, even while feverishly posting to social media – lighting a match to hold back the darkness.

But this week can be just a little bit different.  This week we honor the fine arts by celebrating World Art Day on 15 April.

Which is ever so much better than Tax Day (if you just had a moment of panic, relax, they moved the deadline to 15 July – you may resume your regularly scheduled delaying).

The International Association of Art (www.iaa-usa.org)  declared 15 April as World Art Day (I cannot make this stuff up) to promote awareness of creative activity world wide.  They chose this day because it is also Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday.  And if ever there was a walking personification of the fine arts, ‘twas he.

In case you’re wondering what this has to do with us as musicians – in a word, everything!  Many think the fine arts only includes painting, drawing, and sculpture, but it is much broader.  And you guessed it, includes music!  (and other things like literature, architecture, dance and more)

In the US there’s a big celebration in Los Angeles with loads of events planned.  Well, there was to be a big celebration in museums all over the area.  But as you might have guessed, that will not be the case this year.  With museums and other public spaces closed, these events will certainly take a different from (if they occur at all). 

So what are we – we fine artists – to do? 

Let’s be creative!

And let’s share our fine art.

Because now more than ever, we need to be making art. We need to be making art to care for ourselves.  And perhaps even more, non-artists really need to be experiencing art!  So we need to be making art to care for others.

So, let’s share our arts. Not to put too fine a point on it – our art is fine.  There are many things you could do.  Here are a cursory few:

  • Put on a driveway/balcony/porch concert for your neighbors and other passersby (and if you really only perform for the cat and the curtains – go onto your back porch – the neighbors will benefit and you will too!)
  • Make a YouTube/Facebook/Instagram sharing event
  • Write some music that shares all the feelings you are experiencing while being at home, waiting – or reflect your musical thoughts on the difficulty someone else may have shared with you
  • Curate a playlist of music that reflects your mood
  • Create a set list (maybe for your driveway concert) that celebrates our resilience and what we’re going to do when this is past us
  • Take some online workshops
  • Make all kinds of fine art and put it in your windows to share with your neighbors – paint, draw, write, act, play

How will you celebrate World Art Day? Let me know and share photos!  And remember, if you want – every day can be World Art Day!


Kate sent me this photo of her Covid-19 protected harp!  Kate’s a nurse and knows the importance of keeping healthy – 

Summer? Maybe not…instead –

It’s that time on the calendar when I usually take some space to mention some of my favorite summer programs and activities so you can save your pennies and dates and plan to go to as many interesting, educational, and cool adventures as you can swing.

This year – not so much.

We’re still watching from the windows, waiting for the shadow to pass.  Hopefully it will leave us alone, but not before many of the summer activities will be cancelled or postponed.

But we are the lucky ones – we have our beautiful instruments and our soul-touching music – our companions in times good and bad.  We have a port in the storm that feels like it will never recede.

It will recede, as storms (and diseases) do.  And after a while we will timidly leave our homes and venture out.  Slowly, as we do, things will return to normal.  Normal – and all that it entails – too much going on, too much to do, too much to accomplish.

Don’t be one of the people who, at the end of this confinement, looks back and wonders where the time went!  If you are home and you are not sick – what a gift – you have time!

You can use this time chained to the constant blather of news that isn’t – or you can go to your harp!  But what will you do there?  Well, what would you like to do?  While the answer to that depends on you, here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Basics.  Get our your favorite love to hate source – Grossi?  Friou? Salzedo? Sylvia?  Doesn’t matter (they are all useful).  Pull it out and turn to page 1.  YUP – Page 1!  Then do the things we know we are supposed to do, but somehow there’s rarely time for.  Go slowly.  Read carefully.  Be your own terrifying maestro – accept nothing short of excellence from yourself.  Close!  Watch your posture!  Breathe!  Do it right!  Then do it again!  Don’t speed through just to get to the next one.  Savor each exercise.  Ask yourself – what am I meant to learn here?  What tunes that I currently play can I apply this to?  There is no race – compare yourself to you yesterday and identify where you’d like to be tomorrow and find how will this help get you there.  And through it all – enjoy it.  Dig in and feel your growth.
  2. Read.  Reading is a skill you develop and a tool you can use.  Reading will help you broaden your perspective and possibly open you to new ideas.  Don’t use the excuse that you play traditional music to put off bettering your reading.  You don’t always have the luxury of hearing everything either.  Reading will make all sorts of things accessible – collections, other genres, stuff you read just to practice reading.  But you’ll only get more facile at reading by doing it (just like when you were in first grade!).
  3. Listen.  You learn so much by listening.  You’ll learn new music of course.  But, like reading, you’ll get better at listening if you practice.  What do you hear first?  What do you struggle to hear when you listen (I’m talking about what you process, not how well your ears work).  How do you transfer what you hear to the harp?  Listen to everything you can lay your hands on – other harpers but also fiddlers, pipers, drummers, classical music, modern music, traditional music outside your usual sphere – everything.  I’m listening to Depeche Mode as I write this and I’m keying in on the base line and wondering how I could adapt the idea to a tune I’m arranging just now.  Yes it’s a stretch, but it only takes the kernel of an idea to get started, if you work it (usually over time).
  4. Learn.  You’re never going to get this kind of opportunity again (I hope!) so pull out all those tunes you half learned, never really got up to speed, used to play all the time but have sort of forgotten – and set out to learn them.  Really learn them.  Don’t forget all the new stuff you haven’t even started on!  Like all the other stuff, don’t accept half way.  If you’re having trouble with something – go back to 1 (above) and find an exercise that will help you (or make the tricky bit into an exercise), find a source to look at (and write on!), find recordings (if possible), and work with your tunes until they can worm their way into your head.
  5. Enjoy.  Have fun – never forget why you play!

Summer may be cancelled, but we still have our harps!

Next week – ways to get yourself sorted, organized and keep from spinning around not actually learning anything!  How are you spending your harp time while staying at home?  Let me know if the comments!

From me to you

The tyranny of the invisible thingies continues.  And this makes many remain feeling a little unsettled.  We pretend that words like AloneTogether make us feel better – but really, they don’t.  The upside is that we have the technology to keep reaching out to one another – to maintain contact and be together even though we’re at least six feet apart.

Since we have this connection, I wanted to reach out to you my subscribers – with a little poster you might want to print out.  I made it to help cheer you when you’re not feeling so much like playing…even while you know playing will probably help you feel a little bit better and help you to count your joys.

This whole thing won’t last long (in the grand scheme), so stay safe, stay the course, stay home.  And keep practicing.  Maybe take your harp out to the sunshine and play for your neighbors to help cheer them as well and share a joy for them to count as well.

Not a subscriber yet?  You can sign up here.


There’s not much that I can tell you that you haven’t already heard about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  If you need information, there’s loads available in all the usual outlets.

What I can do though, is strongly encourage you to take care of yourself and those in your life.  There all the usual precautions – avoid others, wash your hands, disinfect surfaces.

You might be surprised I don’t have a lot to say – especially since I usually do.  In this case, I just don’t have a lot to add.

But one thing I can stress to you is that this is a time of turmoil.  And in those tumultuous times, the importance of spending time with your harp only increases. 

No, this is not my usual exhortation that you practice.  This time, I strongly encourage you to play for you.  To bolster your spirits – and the spirits of those around you.  Never underestimate the succor your harp can provide you and those in your household in times of turmoil.

The anxiety and stress of times of uncertainty may leave you feeling like you don’t want to (or don’t have time to) play.  Don’t allow stress and concern to convince you that you “must” practice – because you might not want to.  Don’t let your anxiety pull you away!

Whatever you do, just play.  Allow the music and the reverberation flow over you and soothe frayed nerves.  Enjoy the feel of the harp itself.  Revel in the meditation of tuning and the simple joy of warming up.  Play what helps you feel centered.  There are many opportunities to share your music and I encourage you to do that but if you’re not interested in doing that, just play.  If you are of a mind, share video in the usual places to help others (don’t have a usual place? send it to me and I’ll be happy to share it for you).

Help others by sharing your gift.  We will all be better for it.   And of course, if you’re playing, you are likely social distancing!  Are you playing for yourself? For others?  Let us know in the comments below.

You’re not a cat!

You know how cats are.  You can buy them a gagillion fancy (and expensive) toys and a princely bed and an over-the-top “cat condo” and they will eschew it all for a discarded cardboard box.  And typically, the mankier the box, the better they like it.

Who knows why?  They’re cats, it’s what they do.

But you?  You’re no cat.  At best, you’re staff to a cat, the human tasked with finding towers of treats, truckloads of toys, loads of litter, in the vain hope that your cat will deign to love you back.  So, why are you in a box?

Get out of your box!“What box?” you ask.  The box of your playing life!  We express this box in many ways:

  •  “I’m not very good”
  • “I’m going to be a beginner forever”
  • “I could never learn by ear”
  • “I’ll never be able to read”
  • “I will only ever play in my living room”
  • “I know lots of tunes; I just can’t play them”
  • “I’ll never be prepared enough to play on stage”
  • “I don’t want to get too good”
  • “There’s so much I haven’t learned yet – I’m not ready”
  • “I only play well documented, ancient, traditional cadenzas published by Schirmer”

I have heard all of these (ok, except that last one, I made that one up).  But here’s what I hear you actually saying:

“I’m afraid”

I’m scared.  That’s why I sit here in this manky, tattered old box.  I have convinced myself that I like it here.  And even though it’s small, I’d rather be smooshed in here than free in the unknown. 

Because fear is a powerful force.  Just a tiny kernel of fear can paralyze a fully grown, capable, talented, inquisitive smart person.  And we plant that little bit of fear in the box with us so we can grow together – so we forget where we end and the fear begins. 

So, how are you going to break out of the box?  There are many ways but here are seven that are may help with your harping:

  1. Acknowledge you’re in a box.  It’s not a bad thing, it just is (unless it’s preventing you from growing and moving – then it is bad).
  2. Define the box(es).  What does your box look like?  Remember that a box can be made of many things and have multiple sides – so try to get them all.  Always play solo/alone?  Never really mailed down a particular phrase?  Only play one type of music?  Always playing a 1 – 5 – 8?  Never leave your home?  Call your box by its name.
  3. Pick one of the less terrifying fears you’ve just identified.  Really break it down – why does it scare you?  Be honest.  For example, are you afraid to read because everyone else reads better?  This common fear has a fairly simple solution – first, remember that reading takes practice (even though no one wants to do stuff that is hard – keep practicing and it will get easier…remember first grade? you learned to read books by practicing e-v-e-r-y day) so add some reading into your practice schedule.  Second, the next time you’re with other people reading music, spend a moment watching them – and notice that you are likely not the only one having a bit of a struggle.  Don’t compare yourself, just notice that you’re not alone.
  4. Get to work!  Now that you know what you’re fear is and how to take action on it, actually take it on!  Do the work.
  5. As the fear recedes (and the sides of the box get lower) – rejoice!  Enjoy the feeling.
  6. Move on to the next fear – lather, rinse, repeat.
  7. Be vigilant – these little fears can build a box so quickly and quietly, you might not notice a new fear building a new box around you.  So, check in occasionally, see what you’re avoiding and take it on.

And if you’re not really ready to get out of your box, you can still acknowledge that it exists and learn what it looks like – then you’ll be that much farther ahead when you decide you’d like to move!

What’s printed on the side of your box?  Willing to share it in the comments?   Think your musical fear is a little more than you can take on by yourself?  You can work with me to learn and apply approaches to take those fears on and cut down the box – just contact me for coaching.